ANCA Chairman Urges Congressional Leaders to Publicly Demand Biden Hold Azerbaijan Accountable for Artsakh Genocide

Criticizes Biden Administration’s Abandonment of Armenian American Community; Urges Swift Passage of Measures to Suspend Military Assistance to Azerbaijan Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Raffi Hamparian called on

19 Australian Federal Parliamentarians Sign Joint Justice Initiative Supporting Australian Recognition of the 1915 Genocides

In 2023, the Joint Justice Initiative secured support from 19 Federal Parliamentarians, who have officially signed the Joint Justice Initiative’s Affirmation of Support Document calling for Australian recognition of the

EAFJD on the  EP resolution on EU-Armenia relations: “Complementary foreign policy is the path to follow for Armenia for the sake of a strong and vital Armenian statehood”

On March 13, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on “closer ties between the EU and Armenia and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia” EAFJD’s position

19 Australian Federal Parliamentarians Sign Joint Justice Initiative Supporting Australian Recognition of the 1915 Genocides

In 2023, the Joint Justice Initiative secured support from 19 Federal Parliamentarians, who have officially signed the Joint Justice Initiative’s Affirmation of Support Document calling for Australian recognition of the